Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Awakening of the Fitness Culture in Ghana.


middle aged man gyming

One of the main causative factors to chronic and heart diseases has been recorded to be linked with a lack  of body exercise.

World over, the move to have people stay healthy has been much enormous, talk of health campaigns and the opening of fitness centres.
Ghana is no exception; with a country much booming with urban living and all that comes with modernity, its citizens have also fallen within the risks of health risks.

Statistics show that secular jobs in itself contain over 80 per cent  of the nation's employment rate.

The stale and idle nature of secular white collar  jobs has brought up the need for there to be a special attention on the  re invigoration of  the physical body.
Doctors proffer that at least half an hour of daily exercise is of much importance to the human health and that by this,
the fitness culture is simply the recent modern awareness of the need  and importance of keeping fit physically through rigorous exercising. modern in the sense that it comes at a time when recent hikes in death rates are being, by medical doctors, attributed to unfit bodies lacking the magic of exercising; a time when  the idle nature of white collar jobs has eaten up over 80% of the nation's employment.

But whether or not this culture(the fitness culture) is catching up with the entirety of Ghanaians, especially those within the urban frame, happens to be a question worth answering.
Today tens and hundreds of men, women and children; both old and young are getting fit. High streets at dawn no longer taken over by dogs but by the trots and pants of persons exercising. these exercises spin from early morning treks and jogs to all-day-through gyming. 

The campaign for fitness has eaten almost all fibres of the Ghanaian society as even determinants for High Public Office Jobs are etched on how fit one is and always will be.

But in all, if one should fall for the evolution and introduction of any culture, it should be the FITNESS CULTURE here in the Ghanaian society. It has probably, come to stay.