Educational systems world over, in the information age are begining to employ new strategies of course outlines mainly to beat and meet the challenging requirements in the world of work.
The current unemployment maze Ghana is currently being faced with can in a way be reduced if the introduction of entrepreneural courses into high school and college curricula is undertaken.
Research has shown that countries , especially those of the East do have their younger generation grow up to be self asserive,creative and inventive thanks to their training on how to fish not how to depend rather on the fisherfolk.
Entrepreneurship as a curricula, treats matters of initiative, teaching students how to access into various opportunities in the global economic market. This will ensure the doing something out of nothing mindset. How could a communist state fraught with much liberal inhibitions be rubbing shoulders with the number one world econoic power, USA? The answer is much simple; they export more than they import. In order words, they major in self subsistence and minor in exrternal aid and dependence. This is what entreprenuership has to offer.
Itis much clear how Ghana's traditional working market keeps getting chocked by the thousands of thousands of graduates who are annually churned out. These are academic brains stuffed with the theoretical bunch and virtualities of human living when actually it shouldnt be the case. The recording of over 47% graduate unemployment in the country, according to the Ghana Statistcal Service is much cause to worry over a possible feeble Ghanaian ecopolitical society in the near future were nothing but dependence and indecision stand as a economic mentalities.
Pre historic details tracing back to the 8th century gives graphic details of how dependent and economically sound West Africa was long before the arrival of Diego D'Asambuja. In fact the production and export of foodstuffs, livestock, clothing, name it are all indicators of entrepreneural capacities these indigenes exuded long before education was established or the study of history.
Lookng on thousands of years after is a clear witness of the opposite. The consumption and trade policy of Ghana and Africa as a whole has been the "gimme gimme" economic approach. How can the continent's economy flourish if this remains the staunted approach to reaching economic growth?
Bringing back the culture of subsistence, the philosophy of independence, the power of one, Africa and Ghana can and will rise again; if and only if the corridors of entrepreneurship are plied once again. We can regain back our Pan African identity if the basis of our faith and economic purpose isn't in serving to survive but rather producing what to be served. Entrepreneurship; though remains the weakest agenda on the mind of several African countries can forever be seen as the backbone of every national development.
And that's where Entrepreneurship plays in.
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